
What students say about my singing lessons

Each time I take on a new student I feel privileged to be part of their journey as it gives me great pleasure to hear their voice develop and gain confidence. Many of my students have become friends and keep me updated with their career.

"I was very fortunate to have Daniel as my singing teacher throughout secondary school. He was instrumental in giving me the foundations of a strong vocal technique and performance skills whilst making every lesson informative and enjoyable. His broad knowledge of repertoire from classical singing to modern musical theatre fed my passion for performing, which led me to gaining a place at my dream drama school, ArtsEd, and currently pursuing a career in Musical Theatre in The West End."

Oliver Christopher Book of Mormon
"I started lessons with Daniel at the age of 17, and he saw potential in me when I did not, guiding me to where I find myself today and still continues to support me. After two years of tuition I auditioned for the leading music colleges in the UK, successfully gaining a place and scholarship at The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, where I am now entering my third year of study. Daniel gave me the best possible grounding in classical vocal technique that I could have asked for, my current teacher regularly commenting in the early stages of my undergraduate training on how well I could already navigate the voice and that he didn’t have to spend anytime tackling bad habits, which so many students can have from not initially learning with someone’s of Daniel’s standard. Overall, he is incredibly patient, has a great sense of humour and really tailors the lesson to you. I could not recommend Daniel more and thank him for everything he’s helped me to achieve so far."
Joseph Hookway Royal Conservatoire of Scotland
"My first singing lesson was with Daniel when I was 16 and he has been an invaluable support for my career ever since. Daniel has an impressive knowledge of the voice and an ability to teach technique in an uncomplicated and exciting way. I was incredibly impatient when I first started singing - I wanted to be able to sing everything that very minute. Daniel taught me there are no tricks or shortcuts to developing a sustainable, healthy voice and many years on I am grateful I stuck at it. When I have a lesson with Daniel I am reminded of the joy of singing and I have him to thank for any singing roles I get to play."
Jonny Muir Actor - Sex Education (Netflix), The Mousetrap (West End), The Simon & Garfunkel Story, Romeo and Juliet
"It is rare to find a teacher who, not only has an established career in the performing business, but also has an incredible flair for teaching. In Daniel, I found both. His knowledge of both opera and musical theatre provide the perfect match for any student who wants to unlock all facets of their voice. Daniel nurtures each individual talent, enabling them to access their full potential and beyond. He is such an exuberant, passionate teacher and provides exciting and challenging lessons week after week. I am where I am because of the fantastic tools Daniel gave me, enabling me to tackle any vocal challenge I meet in this tough business, and, after 3 years of drama school training, still use his techniques when I perform today."
Amy Jackson-Ives First-Class Honours Degree in Actor Musicianship from Guildford School of Acting, Edinburgh Fringe in 2018, Violist for Graffiti Classics

Student successes

All my students leave Secondary education with Grade 8 singing making a stronger application for university and a few students also go on to take a diploma gaining ATCL or dipABRSM. I am also very proud to have worked with students that have gone on to study music or musical theatre as a diploma or degree at colleges including Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Royal Northern College of Music, Royal Academy of Music, Arts Educational College, Guildford School of Acting and Doreen Bird College

4 students qualify with a diploma in singing

2 students gained entry to RNCM

1 student gained entry to Arts Educational College

2 students gained entry to RCS

1 gained entry to Doreen Bird College

1 student gained entry to GSA

100% of students leave school with grade 8 singing qualification